Double-exposure photography, html, css, js, book-bindingI asked five people, friends, and family from my hometown back in Bangkok to photograph things following a list of prompts. They sent the film over to me in Los Angeles, where I shot (following the same prompts) on top of their finished rolls of film, creating double-exposed images. In regards to the subjects of the prompt, I wanted to choose something that was momentary. Something that might catch your eye, and you choose to capture. Nothing specific and nothing too recognizable. Photos of movement, stillness, with a vagueness that blends together to create a blur that encapsulates the non-linearity of time. The reason why I chose people I knew back in Bangkok to collaborate on this project with me is because the desire for stillness in the midst of a constant shift, movement, and flow, reflects how I feel after years of living in the States. I am seeking shelter and I want to find it, but at the same time, I have apprehension. I want to feel settled and safe, but what if the constant migration is what I need. The uncertainty is unsettling for me. I wanted to capture that perception from the two places
I constantly debate in my head about calling home. With the help with five other photographers, their perception of home, and how they choose to capture time, and momentary glimpses of their life in the city.
A collaboration between different viewpoints, and between the two City of Angels.